Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers
作者:曹丽英 发布时间:2015年03月05日 09:51

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers


1.Receipt of Exam Materials2

2.Preparation for the Exam Diet3

3.Dealing with Exam Clashes4

4.On the Day of the Exam5

5.During the exam6

Queries regarding the exam paper and/or instructions6

Digital and Electronic devices6

Reading time7

Late Admission of Candidates7

Unforeseen Circumstances (including evacuation/illness)8

Report of External Noise/Disturbance9

6.Candidate Misconduct9

7.Receipt of the Exam Materials from the Invigilator at the End of the Exam10

If one marker is recorded on the Attendance Register:11

If two markers are recorded on the Attendance Register:12

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

All examinations must be carried out in accordance with the instructions contained within the UHI Academic Standards and Quality Regulations issued annually by UHI Executive Office.

  1. Receipt of Exam Materials

Approximately 3 weeks before the first exam is due to take place the UHI Exams Centre will send you an exam pack for each exam your centre is hosting. Each pack will contain some or all of the following items:

  • Exam Pack Checklist which summarises the contents of the pack
  • A record of Exam Papers and Registers enclosed.
  • An attendance register and Invigilator’s report form for each exam your centre is hosting.
  • A supply of Exam Papers for each exam your centre is hosting (based on the number of candidates recorded on each Attendance Register)
  • Answer booklets, additional paper and any other materials required for the exams which are to be provided by the Exams Centre (if your centre is expected to provide the additional materials this will be noted on the checklist)
  • Copies of the Instructions to Invigilators.
  • Copy of the Instructions for Exams Officers
  • Copies of the Announcement to Candidates.
  • Copies of the Instructions to Candidates for all students sitting at your centre (unless you have previously requested this in a different format and/or have already received these)
  • A set of envelopes and/or address labels for forwarding the examination scripts to markers.
  • Envelopes (1 per week) for the return of completed attendance registers and Invigilators Report Forms to the Exams Centre.

It is important that you check the contents of the pack as soon as it arrives to ensure you have received all of the materials that you require for the exam diet and there is sufficient time to deal with any problems/issues.

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

  1. Receipt of Exam Materials (cont’d)

If anything is missing or an exam is not listed that you think should be (or one is listed and it shouldn’t be), please contact either Jacqui Melrose on (01343 5)76224; Audrey Simpson on (01343 5)76426 or Nigel Kirby on (01343 5)76401 immediately, or alternatively e-mail the exams centre atexaminations.centre.moray@uhi.ac.uk.

Once you have checked the contents of the exam pack, youmust ensurethat the exam papers and all associated materials are stored in asecure placeuntil the day of the examination.

  1. Preparation for the Exam Diet
  2. You should ensure that a copy of the Instructions to Candidates has been issued to all students sitting at your Centre in advance of the exam
  3. For each exam room containing up to 30 candidates you must provide one invigilator, for 31-60 candidates you must provide two Invigilators with one further invigilator being appointed for each additional 30 candidates thereafter (preferably a mix of male and female).
  4. To ensure consistency and accountability all appointed invigilatorsmustbe under contract to your centre. It is important to ensure that lecturersDONOTinvigilate, except in exceptional cases eg where only a small pool of invigilators is available and the lecturer has no involvement with the Module, and if possible, the Programme(s) the exam relates to.
  5. You must provide the Invigilator with asuitable method of communicationin case of emergencies during the exam. This could include access to a telephone in the exam room (outgoing calls only), a radio or mobile phone etc. A member of staff must be available at all times should assistance be required in any way.
  6. As part of their instructions, candidates have been toldthey mustswitch off their mobile phones and leave them on the Invigilator’s desk until the end of the exam.

    However, if exceptionally, the candidate needs to be contacted in an emergency, they should either arrange to leave their mobile phone with you or they should ask you for an emergency contact number.Under no circumstancesare candidates permitted to retain their mobile phones on their desks.
  7. If you receive an emergency call, providing the candidate is kept under supervision while taking the call, they may return to the Exam Room to complete the exam, however, note that no extra time will be given.

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

3.Dealing with Exam Clashes

  1. If a clash of exams is identified once the final version of the timetable has been issued, the Exams Centre must be notified as soon as possible. Generally at this stageneitherexam will be moved (unless it involves a large number of students) therefore the affected students will normally be permitted to sit both exams on the same day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

    The Exams Centre will contact you to confirm the arrangements. (Please note that all clashesmust bedealt with through the Exams Centre. The decision on how to resolve the situation, including permitting a student to sit both exams in the same day, must not be made locally.)

  1. Where it has been agreed that the student can take both exams on the same day, where possible or practical, in order to ensure the integrity of both exams the candidateMUSTbe supervisedAT ALL TIMESfrom the time the morning exam ends (or the student leaves the exam room) to the time the afternoon exam begins (or the student is delivered to the exam room).

  1. You should advise the Invigilator on the day of the exam of the arrangements in place, and in particular that the candidate is not permitted to leave the exam room until the nominated member of staff has arrived at the exam room to ‘collect’ them (which should be at the end of the scheduled exam time).

  1. The responsibility for arranging supervision of the candidate lies with the Exams Officer (or equivalent) at the Centre where the candidate is sitting their exam. These arrangements can be made in line with local operational requirements providing the supervision period is unbroken.

  1. During the supervision period exam conditions still apply therefore the candidateis notpermitted to use their phone (unless previously arranged and approved or there is an emergency)is notpermitted to access e-mail etc andmay notinteract with other students, unless the student(s) is in the same position as themselves, in which case they can be supervised together.

  1. On the very rare occasion a clash of exams affects a large number of students it is possible that one of the exams may be moved. If this happens the Exams Centre will notify all affected Partners/host Centres and will issue a revised timetable.

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

  1. On the Day of the Exam

Invigilator(s) have been asked to collect the pack for each exam they are overseeing from you – at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam. You are also asked to provide them with some spare blue and black pens.

  1. Check the attendance register to ensure that for each exam taking place that day you have set aside sufficient copies of:
  • the exam paper
  • answer books
  • additional materials (if not supplied by the Exams Centre)
  • additional paper
  1. Remind Invigilators thatallstudentsmustsign the Attendance Register, even if this has to be done as they leave the room at the end of the exam.

    This is important for two reasons:
  2. They may be marked as absent for the exam
  3. If their completed script goes missing there is no way to confirm that they attended for the exam.
  4. Draw the Invigilator’s attention to any specific instructions pertaining to the exam(s) including whether or not the candidates are permitted to bring additional materials eg notes for use during the exam.
  5. Remind Invigilators that if the candidate has any queries with regard to what is or is not permitted during the exam, and/or they have queries during `reading time’, and the answer is not available from either the information you have given them or the instructions on the exam rubric, then they must contact you as a matter of urgency.

You in turn should contact the UHI Exams Centre for clarification/advice.

UnderNOcircumstances must Invigilators decide what action should be taken themselves.

  1. You should inform the Invigilator if any candidates require additional time and confirm the total duration of the exam for each student this affects.

  1. If, exceptionally, a candidate has advised you that they may need to be contacted in an emergency, and you are happy to make the appropriate arrangements (with the approvals of the relevant PL) you should inform the Invigilator that you may have to disrupt the exam if a call comes through.

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

  1. On the Day of the Exam (cont’d)

Invigilators should also be reminded that any additional materials pertaining to the examination must be collected from the candidates, along with the exam scripts, at the end of the exam. Howevercandidates may take the exam paper with themat the end of the exam other than those for theHN Graded Unit orBSc Oral Healthexams which mustNOTbe removed from the exam room under any circumstances.

  1. Finally, if you have agreed that the relevant marker will collect the scripts directly from the exam room, inform the Invigilator and ask them to ensure that whoever collects thesemustsign the bottom of the Attendance Register to say that they have done so. The Invigilator will then return the Register to you.

5.During the exam

  1. Queries regarding the exam paper and/or instructions

If a student queries the content of the exam paper or the instructions contained in the rubric,you mustcontact the UHI Exams Centre on (01343 5)76224 (Jacqui Melrose); (01343 5)76426 (Audrey Simpson) or (01343 5)76401 (Nigel Kirby) in the first instance.DO NOTapproach the Programme Leader/Module Leader/Lecturer otherwise it cannot be guaranteed that all students taking the exam will be given the same information.

You should remind Invigilators that they are not permitted to explain questions/words to the candidates and neither must they make decisions if there is a query regarding the content of the Exam paper. Instead they must contact you immediately if this situation arises.

b.Digital and Electronic devices

During the exam, candidates must not have access to any device which can store or access data, or any other file formats including music (unless these are used by students who have additional support needs and approval has been sought and permission given for their use). The list includes, although is not limited to:

  • Mobile phones;
  • Calculators (other than those specifically permitted);
  • MP3/4 players,
  • Devices which can store or access data, or any other file formats including
  • tablets or similar devices
  • Personal electronic aids;
  • Smart watches;

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

  1. During the exam(cont’d)

c.Reading time

The 5 minutes Reading Time is now an integral part of the total exam time. This means that the start time for the exams will now be shown on the timetable, exam papers, registers etc as 09.25 am and 13.25 pm (or similar where there are variations on timings).

  1. Late Admission of Candidates

  1. Arrival during the first 30 minutes of the exam:

  • If a candidate arrives late for an exam the Invigilator should admit them without question during the first 30 minutes (including Reading Time).

  • However, if the Invigilator thinks that they may be entitled to the extra time, they have been advised to contact you immediately so that you may make a decision based on the reasons given by the candidate for their late arrival. Under no circumstances is the Invigilator permitted to make this decision themselves.
  1. Arrival after the first 30 minutes of the exam:
  • Admission after the first 30 minutes (including Reading Time) may only be permitted with your prior authorisation and only if there are extenuating circumstances, for example:
  • if there has been an accident or issues with traffic which has affected their travel, assuming they have allowed ample time to reach the venue before the exam was due to begin; or
  • if their transport has broken down and they have been unable to continue without assistance, again assuming they have allowed ample time to reach the venue before the exam was due to begin; or
  • if they have been delayed in leaving the house due to their own or a dependant’s illness/sickness (you should use your own discretion to determine whether or not this is genuine)
  • If the student contacts you to let you know about their delay you should consider this as further support of their claim for extenuating circumstances in respect of their late arrival for the exam.
  • If you are not satisfied that the candidate’s reason(s) for being late is/are as a result of factors outwith their control you may refuse to admit them to the exam. If you take this course of action you should explain the reasons why to the candidate referring to the Regulations.

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

  1. During the exam (cont’d)

  1. Late Admission of Candidates (cont’d)

  • Extra timewill not normally be allowed where a candidate arrives late for an exam, againunless there are extenuating circumstances (see above). If you are happy that the reason for their delay is genuine you should inform the invigilator and the candidate that the candidate will be entitled to the full exam time.

  • Finally,under no circumstancesshould another member of staff permit a candidate to enter the exam room without having first discussed the matter with you (or another member of the exams office) and you have agreed that they may do so.

  • In all cases of late admission you must also ensure that you provide a report outlining the situation and include the reasons given by the student (where applicable) and the actions taken. This should be submitted to the relevant ML and PL.
  1. Unforeseen Circumstances (including evacuation/illness)


If an exam room has to be evacuated for any reason (eg a fire alarm), the invigilator is responsible for ensuring the safety of the candidates and the integrity of the exam.

However if possible, once you have left the building you should attempt to locate the group to ascertain whether or not the invigilator requires any assistance.


If a candidate becomes ill during an exam the invigilator has been advised to take appropriate action including contacting you for assistance if they are unable to deal with the situation without disrupting and/or compromising the exam.

If, for any reason, a student requires to leave the exam room they must be accompanied at all times if they are to return to complete the exam.

In all unforeseen circumstances ensure that the Invigilator has recorded the details on their Report Form. You should add any additional information you deem is important for the marker/Exam Board. It would also be helpful if you notified the PL as soon as possible.

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

  1. During the exam (cont’d)

  1. Unforeseen Circumstances (including evacuation/illness) (cont’d)

You should consider adding time on to the end of the exam to compensate either the candidates in the room and/or the candidate affected for any prolonged disruption. If any unforeseen circumstances arise and you are unsure how to deal with them, contact the UHI Exams Centre for advice on (01343 5)76224 (Jacqui Melrose); (01343 5)76426 (Audrey Simpson) or (01343 5)76401 (Nigel Kirby)

  1. Report of External Noise/Disturbance

Invigilators have been advised that if noise from external sources is disrupting the candidates during the exam, and is caused by something which can be easily resolved eg people standing outside the exam room talking, someone working nearby with a radio on etc, they should politely request that they move away/turn off the source of the noise as there is an exam in progress.

If, on the other hand, the disruption is caused by something which the Invigilator is unable to resolve themselves eg grass cutting etc, or if for any reason they are unable to deal with the situation outlined above, they have been asked to contact you and advise you that the noise is disturbing the candidates and ask for the situation to be resolved.

If the length of the disruption is excessive you/the Invigilator may want to consider adding time on at the end of the exam to compensate the students.

In all instances, the Invigilator must record the details on their Report Form.

  1. Candidate Misconduct

a. Disturbance

If a candidate is causing a disturbance and/or is disrespectful to other candidates and/or anyone else who has permission to be in the exam room, the Invigilator must advise them that they will be removed from the exam room if they continue to be disruptive. They should also be advised that if this happens they will not be permitted to re-enter. Invigilators have been advised to contact you for advice/support if necessary.

  1. Cheating

Invigilators have been told that if they suspect any candidate of cheating or other related misconduct, they should proceed as follows:

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

  1. Candidate Misconduct (cont’d)

  1. Cheating(cont’d)

  • In the first instance the candidate’s examination answer book and any unauthorised materials should be removed and tagged securely together. The candidate should then be given a new answer book and instructed to continue the examination.

  • The Invigilator should record in the book the date and time it was removed and the reason why making a note that a new answer book was issued to the candidate from the time the incident occurred.

    However, if the candidate refuses to submit the unauthorised materials or persists with their previous behaviour they should be expelled from the exam room (see a. above).

Invigilators have been advised to contact you if they require assistance.

  • Invigilators have been instructed to notify you of the incident and the action taken. You should ensure that the Invigilator’s Report Form has been clearly annotated with the details

Anyone suspected of causing disruption during the exam may be asked to leave the room and will not be permitted to re-enter. Before taking this course of action Invigilators have been asked to contact you for advice/support.

If an invigilator contacts you with regard to whether or not a Candidate should be ejected from the exam room, you should decide what would cause the least disruption to the other candidates. If you are unsure, contact the Exams Centre for advice.

In all cases of Academic Misconduct please make sure you notify the relevant Programme Leader as well as the Exams Centre. Invigilators have been instructed to record the details of any incidents on their Report Form and to advise you of the incident at the end of the exam.

  1. Receipt of the Exam Materials from the Invigilator at the End of the Exam

Unless arrangements have been made for the marker to collect scripts directly from the exam room, Invigilators must return all exam material to you as soon as the exam has finished. On receipt you should ensure that you have received the correct number of scripts by comparing candidate numbers on those who have signed the register against the scripts received. Then check the bottom of the (first page of the) Attendance Register where you will find details of the marker(s) responsible for the module. This is who the completed script(s) should be sent to.

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

  1. Receipt of the Exam Materials from the Invigilator at the End of the Exam (cont’d)

Please note that you must not send scripts for different exams addressed to either the same marker and/or different markers at the same Partner in one package.All envelopes containing exam scripts must be sent separately

a.If one marker is recorded on the Attendance Register:

  1. Check the exam pack for that day and you will find either an envelope with an address label or a set of labels showing the marker’s name and address, an abbreviation of the exam title and the date of the exam. Use this to post the scripts to the marker(s).

Note:It may not be possible to fit all completed scripts in one envelope. If this is the case you will have to provide additional envelopes as required and write the relevant address etc details on the front (may also be helpful to record the number of packages being sent on each envelope eg 1 of 2, 2 of 2)

Note:If the scripts are being marked by a member of staff at your College you may receive an address label only.

  1. The original exam scripts should be sent to the marker along with any associated material and acopy of the Invigilators report form.

  1. Youmust notsend a copy of the attendance register to the markerbut you can keep a copy for your own records if you wish.

  1. Scriptsshouldbe despatched on theday of the exam, however, if this is not possible please ensure that the scripts are held securely overnight. TheyMUSTthen be sent the following day. If you are likely to encounter any problems sending scripts within these timescales please contact the Exams Centre as soon as possible.All scripts must be sent via Recorded Delivery

  1. On the relevant part of the Attendance Register you should record the date the scripts were sent to the marker and who they were sent by.

  1. The original copy of the completed register along with the Invigilators report form should be sent to the Exams Centre at the end of the week. There will be one addressed envelope in your pack for each week you are hosting exams.

  1. In cases whereall studentson a register are recorded as absent the register should still be returned to the Exams Centre. You may retain the other materials for future use, other than the exam paper which should be destroyed. There is no need to return these to the Exams Centre

Instructions for UHI Examinations Officers

  1. Receipt of the Exam Materials from the Invigilator at the End of the Exam(cont’d)

  1. If two markers are recorded on the Attendance Register:

  1. Check the exam pack for that day where you will find either an envelope with an address label or a set of labels foreachmarker showing their name and address, an abbreviation of the exam title and the date of the exam. Use these to post the scripts to the marker(s).

Note:It may not be possible to fit all completed scripts in one envelope. If this is the case you will have to provide additional envelopes as required and write the relevant address etc details on the front (may also be helpful to record the number of packages being sent on each envelope eg 1 of 2, 2 of 2)

Note:If either one or both markers are based at your College you may receive an address label only.

  1. Take a photocopy of the original script(s). The original exam scripts should then be sent to the 1stmarker along with any associated material and acopy of the Invigilators report form. The photocopy of the scripts should be sent to the 2ndmarker along with any associated material and acopy of the Invigilators report form.

  1. Youmust notsend a copy of the attendance register to either markerbut you can keep a copy for your own records if you wish.

  1. Scriptsshouldbe despatched on theday of the exam, however, if this is not possible please ensure that the scripts are held securely overnight. TheyMUSTthen be sent the following day. If you are likely to encounter any problems sending scripts within these timescales please contact the Exams Centre as soon as possible.All scripts must be sent via Recorded Delivery.

  1. The original copy of the completed register along with the Invigilators report form should be sent to the Exams Centre at the end of the week. There will be one addressed envelope in your pack for each week you are hosting exams.

  1. In cases whereall studentson a register are recorded as absent the register should still be returned to the Exams Centre. You may retain the other materials for future use, other than the exam paper which should be destroyed. There is no need to return these to the Exams Centre

If you have any queries regarding the contents of these instructions or the exams process please contact the Exams Centre on Ext 76224 or e-mailexaminations.centre.moray@uhi.ac.uk

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