作者:曹丽英 发布时间:2015年03月05日 09:47



  1. General information
  • You must notify any change of permanent address/contact details to the college as early as possible. This is essential to ensure examination information including Certificates are mailed to the correct person.
  • You must ensure that you are aware of the published examinations timetables for all diets including re-sit examinations, and the requirement to attend.
  • You must check the published exam timetable and notify your Programme or Module Leader of any clashes as early as possible andat least 6 weeksbefore the exams begin.
  • If you are unable to attend an examination because of illness or other valid reason,you must informyour studies adviser as soon as possible. If you become illon the dayof your examit would also be helpful if you contacted the UHI Exams Centre on 01343 576224. They will advise the relevant people of your absence. A medical certificate and/or other documentary evidence must be submitted to your studies adviser within 2 weeks of the exam taking place.
  • You must attend no later than 15 minutes before the examination is due to start unless you are advised otherwise.
  • All mobile phones must be switched off and handed to the Invigilator until the end of the examination.
  • In cases where you may need to be contacted in an emergency, you should either arrange with the Exams Officer to leave your mobile phone with them, or you should ask the Exams Officer for an emergency contact number at the centre where you are taking your exams.Under no circumstances are you permitted to retain your mobile phone.
  • If an emergency call is received for you the Exams Officer will collect you to enable you to receive the message. If you intend to return to the Exam Room to complete the examination you will be accompanied whilst making the call. Note that no extra time will be given.
  • Youmust sign the attendance registeron admission to the exam room. Failure to sign may result in youbeing marked as absentfrom the exam.
  • If you require provision of special examination arrangements, you must inform your programme leader as soon as possible and normally no later than eight weeks before the first examination.
  • If additional time has been allocated to you, as agreed in your support plan, you should make yourself known to the invigilator who will try to make sure you are seated in an area which is likely to cause you the minimum disruption.



2.Exam clashes

  • Once the final version of the timetable has been issued, if you notice that you have a clash of exams you must notify your MLs and/or your Exams Officer/and/or the Exams Centre as soon as possible. Generally at this stageneitherexam will be moved (unless the clash affects a large number of students) therefore you will normally be permitted to sit both exams on the same day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
  • Your Partner College will contact you to confirm the arrangements.Where it has been agreed that you will take both exams on the same day and in order to ensure the integrity of both exams you will be supervisedAT ALL TIMESfrom the time the morning exam ends (or you leave the exam room) to the time the afternoon exam begins (or you are taken to the exam room).
  • During the supervision period exam conditions still apply therefore you arenotpermitted to use your phone (unless previously arranged and approved or there is an emergency),are notpermitted to access e-mail etc andmay notinteract with other students, unless the student(s) is/are in the same position as yourself.
  • On the very rare occasion that a clash of exams affects a large number of students, it is possible that the exam will be moved. If this happens you will be notified and a revised timetable will be issued.
  1. Late admission to the exam room
  • If you know that you are likely to arrive late for an examination, where possible contact the Exams Officer at your centre as soon as you can to advise them of the situation and give them an approximate time for your arrival as well as the reason why you will be late.
  • If you arrive late for the exam you will be admitted without question during the first 30 minutes.
  • Admission after the first 30 minutes will only be permitted with the prior permission of the Exams Officer or another member of the exams office and only if there are exceptional circumstances. You must ask to speak to the Exams Officer as soon as you arrive.
  • If you arrive late for an exam extra time will not normally be added unless there areexceptional circumstances. The Exams Officer or another member of the exams office will decide whether or not your reason for arriving late is acceptable.



  1. Late admission to the exam room (cont’d)
  • If you arrive during the first 30 minutes and you have not spoken to the Exams Officer but feel that your late arrival is due to exceptional circumstances, inform the Invigilator immediately and they will consult the Exams Officer regarding whether or not extra time will be added.
  1. Conduct during examination
  • You may only retain permitted materials on your desk during the examination. Any materials identified by the invigilator as unauthorised must be stored as directed by them.
  • Permitted Items and Materials

Pens and pencils and other appropriate exam stationery;

  • Dictionary (if permission has been given for you to use one);
  • Additional pages of notes and/or books, articles etc if noted on the exam paper cover sheet that these are allowed;
  • Bottle of water (or other drink which can be kept in a bottle with a lid);
  • Small packet of sweets eg mints, providing they do not cause a disturbance when being taken (eg paper rustling);
  • Medication (approval should have been given in advance)
  • Defined additional support need (eg batteries for hearing aids)
  • Prohibited Items and Materials
  • Pencil cases;
  • Calculator cases;
  • Books, notes or any other papers unless specifically permitted (see above)
  • Food
  • Drinks which are not contained in a bottle with a lid
  • You must not have access to any digital or electronic device which can store or access data, or any other file formats including music (unless you have an additional support need and approval has been sought and permission given). The list includes, although is not limited to:
  • Mobile phones
  • Calculators (other than those specifically permitted)
  • MP3/4 players
  • Devices which can store or access data, or any other file formats including tablets or similar devices
  • Personal electronic aids
  • Smart watches



  1. Conduct during examination (cont’d)
  • You should complete the front cover of the examination answer book before the start of the exam.
  • Youmust ensure thatyou have been issued withthe correct question paper(and attachments where applicable). You should note the duration of the examination.
  • The 5 minutes reading time will now form an integral part of the ‘exam time’. This means that the start time for the exams will be 09.25 or 13.25 (or similar where there are variations on timings)
  • Once the examination has started, communication or any other irregular practice is strictly prohibited. The Invigilator has the authority to remove from the room anyone suspected of causing a disruption during the exam. If this happens they will not be permitted to re-enter. For the avoidance of doubt the examination begins at the start of reading time.
  • During the 5 minutes reading time you must not commence writing in the answer book. However you may be permitted to make rough notes and this will be clearly indicated on the front cover of the question paper. The Invigilator will instruct you when to commence writing in the answer book.
  • If you wish to attract the attention of the invigilator at any time during the examination you should do so by raising your hand.
  • If you become ill during an examination inform the invigilator as soon as possible. If you are unable to continue you must notify your studies adviser as soon as you can and they will let you know if you are required to provide a medical certificate and/or any other documentary evidence.
  • You should not leave the room during the first 30 minutes or the last 15 minutes of the examination, other than for personal reasons. If you need to leave the room temporarily please raise your hand to attract the invigilator’s attention who will then arrange for a member of staff to accompany you.
  • You will be reminded of the time 30 minutes and again 15 minutes before the end of the examination.
  1. End of the examination
  • The invigilator will inform you, before the start of the exam, whether you must leave your answer book on your desk for collection or whether you should hand it to them as you leave the room. Alternatively they may request that you remain in your seat until all the answer books have been collected. You are asked to follow their instruction.
  • You must ensure that all answer books and other relevant material being submitted are clearly marked with your candidate number and are securely tagged together. It is your responsibility to ensure that all relevant material for marking is submitted to the invigilator

For further information relating to UHI assessment regulations please refer to your studies adviser and/or the UHI web-site.

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