betway手机最新下载 与英国苏格兰高地岛屿大学电气工程及其自动化专业
作者: 发布时间:2016年05月08日 22:59




综合英语 (Comprehensive English)

文献检索(Bibliographic Retrieval)

英语听力(English Listening)

英语口语 (English Speaking)

工程制图(Engineering Graphs)

高等数学(Advanced Mathematics)

C语言(C Programming Language)

线性代数(Linear Algebra)

大学物理实验(College Physics Experiment)

大学物理(College Physics)

数字电子技术(Digital Electronic Technology)

电路理论(Theory of Circuit)

电机学(Electrical Machinery)

模拟电子技术(Analog Electronic Technology)

复变函数与积分变换(Function of Complex Variable & Integral Transform)

概率论与数理统计(Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistic)

电力电子技术(Power Electronics)

专业英语(English for Specific Purposes)

Matlab与系统仿真(MATLAB and System Simulation)

微机原理(principle of microcomputer)

电气原理(Electrical Principle)

控制与测量仪器(Control & Instrumentation)

虚拟仪器技术(Virtual Instrumentation)

可再生能源发电(Renewable Energy Generation)

电力系统分析(Electrical Power System Analysis)

项目与管理(Project & Management)

电气工程制图(Electrical graphs)

微控制器(Microcontrollers and Digital Electronics)

电力系统继电保护(Power System Relay Protection)

电机驱动与控制(Motor Drive and Control)

发电厂变电所电气设备(Power plant substation electrical equipment)

变电站综合自动化(Substation Synthetically Automation)

供电与电气安全 (Power Supply and Electrical Safety)




(1)Control and Instrumentation(控制与测量仪器)

This module develops the learner’s ability to mathematically analyse and model engineering systems, concentrating on a variety of linear time-invariant first and second order systems, as appropriate to an undergraduate course. The module introduces the concepts of time, frequency and state-space domains, and equips the student with the ability to design and evaluate suitable controllers to achieve the required dynamic, steady-state and/or stability response. The module encourages the use of industry standard software as an evaluation tool. An understanding of instrumentation requirements for modern process and condition monitoring is also promoted.

The student should be able to:

1)Develop and analyse mathematical models of dynamic linear time invariant (LTI) systems, verifying with appropriate software tools.

2)Predict and analyse LTI system response and stability.

3)Design and critically evaluate appropriate control systems for LTI systems.

4)Investigate, design and evaluate control system instrumentation using appropriate software tools as required.

(2)Renewable Energy Generation(可再生能源发电)

The objective of the module is for the student to gain an understanding of the technology underlying renewable energy systems to the level of mathematical or engineering or operational detail that will permit the student to analyse the performance of systems and evaluate new designs.

The topics covered in this module are the nature of wind, solar and marine energy; generator design, reliability and efficiency; risks and characteristic faults along with monitoring and safety; the operation and performance of PV systems; issues of intermittency and managing intermittency with storage (including hydrogen), backup systems, smart grids and managing demand; overall cost of systems when all factors taken into account; modelling complex systems.

(3)Electrical Principles(电气原理)

This is one of 2 core modules within the BEng Engineering Scheme. Its primary aim is to equip students with the necessary electrical and electronic engineering ability to allow them to successfully engage with the further modules that form their chosen BEng qualification. Three themes are covered.: Motors and Generators, Electronics and Power Supplies. The student should be able to: 1. Analyse electrical machines. 2. Analyse electronic components and circuits. 3. Analyse power supplies.

The content of this module: 1. Magnetic: field, circuit, materials, losses(Eddy current, BH Curves, hysteresis) Study can be in the areas of: DC Motors, Servos, steppers, three phase induction motor/generator, synchronous generator, solenoids. Academic Partners should tailor delivery of this outcome to meet individual framework requirements. All learning materials must be shared between all Academic Partners. Exam question(s) (For example having an A or B option.) and course work should reflect any tailoring.2. BJT, Enhancement MOSFET, Op amps, op amp circuits, Thyristor, GTO, Triac, Diac, Single phase rectifier circuits(controlled). Linear and switched mode, line and load regulation, filtering.

(4)Project and Management (项目与管理)

This module uses the investigation/solution of a technical project to allow candidates to acquire/develop many of the management skills and expertise relevant to a graduate engineer.

The project will be based on a technical topic – ideally a realistic industrial topic - to give the candidate an experience matching that likely to be encountered in their current or future vocation. Candidates will adopt a Problem Based Learning approach.

In addition to producing technical reports discussing the practical elements of the project, candidates will be required to keep a project log book and give a presentation to include both technical and project management aspects of the project.

Candidates will acquire the general project management skills required to allow the effective management of the chosen project. They will also cover the “soft skills” required by project engineers.

(5)Electrical Power(发电和电力系统)

This module covers the areas of: Power(systems, transmission, transformation, Power Quality and protection) and Power Electronics. Power system fault level analysis allows the learner to gain in depth knowledge of some of the aspects pertinent to the delivery of power within a system or large industrial network. The study of transmission lines will focus on their operation and limitations in bulk transfer of power. After a brief introduction to the transformer study will be of using an equivalent circuit to model performance under different conditions. Power Quality includes study of harmonics and their effect on a power system. Power protection is a very broad subject, study here is to equip the learner with knowledge of standard protection types as well as to briefly study the use of Local Area Networks and Supervisory Communication and Data Acquisition within power systems. The focus within Power Electronics is on circuit operation and application in the electrical power environment, in particular with respect to application in renewable energy generation.

The student should be able to: 1. Analyse electrical power systems. 2. Analyse power electronic circuits. 3. Analyse transmission lines. 4. Analyse transformers.

The content of this module: 1. Per unit calculation, Fault level analysis, Protection, in particular Generator, Motor protection, Power flow, Data communications, Harmonics and power quality. 2. Three phase half and full wave controlled and uncontrolled rectifier and inverter, dc chopper, applications to drive and or generation apparatus. 3. Transmission lines: construction, properties and operation. 4. Transformer operation (turns ratio, ideal transformer), Single and three phase equivalent circuit, per unit, regulation, efficiency.

(6)Microcontrollers and Digital Electronics(微控制器与数字电子技术)

This module introduces students to the field of digital design, concentrating specifically on Microcontroller systems. The module will equip the learner with the ability to analyse digital systems, and to apply their acquired theory knowledge to design, verify and evaluate digital systems for typical data acquisition, processing and control applications.

The student should be able to: 1. Critically analyse an existing digital control system. 2. Formulate, implement and verify a logical solution to a microcontroller design requirement. 3. Critically evaluate microcontroller hardware, software and development systems. 4. Research and analyse suitable interfacing circuits for microcontroller applications.

The topics covered in the module are:

Microcontroller Hardware: Texas Instruments MSP430 microcontroller.

Programming languages: Assembly Language, C, flowchart, pseudocode.

Software Development Tools: IAR Systems KickStart IDE.

Interfacing: Serial communications, Parallel communications, sensors, actuators, analogue signal processing, digital signal processing.

Software: Vectored interrupts, ISRs, watchhog time, CPU, ALU, RAM, ROM, DSP, ultra low power operation.

Peripherals: UART, USART, timers, counters, brownout detection, LCD driver, ADCs, DACs, comparators.

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