betway手机最新下载 与英国苏格兰高地岛屿大学机械设计制造及其自动化专业
作者: 发布时间:2016年05月08日 22:51




文献检索(Bibliographic Retrieval)

综合英语(Comprehensive English)

英语口语(English Speaking)

英语听力(English Listening)

高等数学(Advanced Mathematics)

C语言(C Programming Language)

大学物理(College Physics)

大学物理实验(College Physics Experiment)

CAD工程制图(Computer Aided Engineering Graphics)

理论力学(Dynamics )

工程测量与系统检测(Engineering Measurement and System Monitoring)

工程材料(Engineering Materials Selection)

机械制造基础(Machinery Manufacture Basis)


概率论与数理统计(Probability theory and mathematical statistic)

线性代数(Linear Algebra)

材料力学( Statics and Strengths of Materials)

机械原理( Machinery principles )

电工电子技术(Electronic technology)

可再生能源系统技术(Renewable Energy Systems Technology)

机械设计(Design for Manufacture)

PLC应用技术(Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers)

液压与气压传动(Pneumatics and Hydraulics)

控制工程基础(Fundamentals of Control Systems and Transducers)

工程安全系统原理(Principles of Safe Engineering Systems)

项目与管理(Project & Management)

机械工程原理(Mechanical Engineering Principles)

机械工程应用(Mechanical Engineering Applications)

控制与测量仪器(Control & Instrumentation)

可再生能源(Renewable Energy Generation)

机械工程系统分析(Mechanical Engineering Systems Applications)

可再生能源技术(Renewable Energy Generation Technology)

机械制造工艺学(Machinery Manufacture Process)

可再生能源系统:波能、风能和潮汐能(Regenerate energy system : wave energy, Wind-power energy and tide energy)

风力机械设计(Wind power machinery design)

机械制造装备设计(Machinery manufacture equipment design)

数控编程与加工(NC Programming and Machining)




1Project & Management(项目与管理)

This module uses the investigation/solution of a technical project to allow candidates to acquire/develop many of the management skills and expertise relevant to a graduate engineer.

The project will be based on a technical topic – ideally a realistic industrial topic - to give the candidate an experience matching that likely to be encountered in their current or future vocation. Candidates will adopt a Problem Based Learning approach.

In addition to producing technical reports discussing the practical elements of the project, candidates will be required to keep a project log book and give a presentation to include both technical and project management aspects of the project.

Candidates will acquire the general project management skills required to allow the effective management of the chosen project. They will also cover the “soft skills” required by project engineers. (Refer to section 24 below.)

(2) Mechanical Engineering Principles(机械工程原理)

The aim of the module is to develop the knowledge and understanding of the key mechanical engineering principles of solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.

The student should be able to:

1)Application of numerical methods in the analysis of problems involving stresses and deflections in engineering structures and components.

2)Application of numerical methods in the analysis of problems involving fluid flow and power transmission in pipelines and forces applied by fluids on engineering systems.

3)Application of numerical methods in the analysis of problems involving industrial plant systems

(3)Mechanical Engineering Applications(机械工程应用)

Applying the principles and practices of mechanical and energy engineering to technically analyse the operation and design of a range of industry related mechanical plant units & systems including energy technologies through a series of problem solving exercises using applications based software and plant performance data where appropriate.

The aim of this module is to apply a broad range of mechanical/ energy engineering knowledge and techniques in the knowledge, understanding, design and operational analysis of systems and components, using appropriate codes and standards where relevant. Students will demonstrate problem solving based learning, self-management and communication skills in synthesising solutions of a variety of demanding applications based mini-projects. Where possible, problems will be related to industry operational problems of current and emerging industry that is within the geographical area of the University. As the problems are industry related, students are encouraged to retain copies of their work as evidence of equivalent industry related experience. The module learning outcomes are also generic to address emerging problems as and when they are identified.

Appropriate engineering principles & theories combined with practical industrial conditions. Typical examples;- shell & tube heat exchanger, water pumping system, pneumatic/hydraulic control system.

Typical examples of local based renewable energy resources include; hydro, wind, waste/refuse derived fuel (RDF), wave/tidal power, solar etc

Using an FEA software application; Analysis techniques for mechanical stresses and deflections .Typical applications could include beam applications, shafts, structures, solids eg.Based on evaluation or modification of existing design or generate new design

(4)Control & Instrumentation(控制与测量仪器)

This module develops the learner’s ability to mathematically analyse and model engineering systems, concentrating on a variety of linear time-invariant first and second order systems, as appropriate to an undergraduate course. The module introduces the concepts of time, frequency and state-space domains, and equips the student with the ability to design and evaluate suitable controllers to achieve the required dynamic, steady-state and/or stability response. The module encourages the use of industry standard software as an evaluation tool. An understanding of instrumentation requirements for modern process and condition monitoring is also promoted.

The student should be able to:

1)Develop and analyse mathematical models of dynamic linear time invariant (LTI) systems, verifying with appropriate software tools.

2)Predict and analyse LTI system response and stability.

3)Design and critically evaluate appropriate control systems for LTI systems.

4)Investigate, design and evaluate control system instrumentation using appropriate software tools as required.

(5)Renewable Energy Generation(可再生能源)

The objective of the module is for the student to gain an understanding of the technology underlying renewable energy systems to the level of mathematical or engineering or operational detail that will permit the student to analyse the performance of systems and evaluate new designs.

The topics covered in this module are the nature of wind, solar and marine energy; generator design, reliability and efficiency; risks and characteristic faults along with monitoring and safety; the operation and performance of PV systems; issues of intermittency and managing intermittency with storage (including hydrogen), backup systems, smart grids and managing demand; overall cost of systems when all factors taken into account; modelling complex systems.

(6)Mechanical Engineering Systems Applications(机械工程系统分析)

Applying the principles and practices of mechanical engineering to technically analyse the performance of a range of appropriate industry related mechanical systems using applications based software, systems performance data and laboratory resources where appropriate. In completing a range of systems mini-projects, students will demonstrate problem solving based learning, system modelling, self-management and communication skills in synthesising solutions to a variety of problems. As the problems are industry related, students are encouraged to retain copies of their work as evidence of equivalent industry related experience. The module learning outcomes are also generic to address emerging problems as and when they are identified.

Natural, damped, forced, force/ damped vibrations; force transmission; torsional & transverse vibrations, shaft whirling/critical speeds/bending stresses; Typical examples could relate to rotating out-of-balance machinery, support induced vibrations; vibration monitoring, vibration isolation.

Power/torque/force transmission, stresses, Analysis based on selection of following elements:- Gearing, clutches, bearings, pulleys, drive-shafts, lubrication. Typical examples could include wind/hydro/marine turbine drives, geared propulsion drives; belt drives etc. Operating faults & failure modes.

Hydraulic circuit design/simulation; pressure/flow/friction & leakage loss/actuator movement calculations; performance characteristics pumps, valves, actuators & systems, troubleshooting.

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